
Source code for moastro.twomass

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Access the 2MASS survey as a local MongoDB.

2011-07-11 - Created by Jonathan Sick

import os
import glob
import gzip

import pymongo
from pymongo import ASCENDING, GEO2D

    from astropy.wcs import WCS
except ImportError:
    from pywcs import WCS

import auth

PSC_FORMAT = (('ra',float),('dec',float),('err_maj',float),('err_min',float),
    ('pts_key',int),('hemis',unicode),('date date',unicode),('scan',int),

[docs]class PSC(object): """2MASS Point Source Catalog representation in MongoDB.""" def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=27017, dbname="twomass", cname="psc"): = host self.port = port self.dbname = dbname self.cname = cname self.default_fields = ['coord', 'j_m', 'h_m', 'k_m'] conn = pymongo.Connection(host=host, port=port) cred = auth.Credentials() db = cred.connect_db(dbname, c=conn) self.c = db[cname] @classmethod
[docs] def import_psc(cls, f, host="localhost", port=27017, dbname="twomass", cname="psc", drop=False): """Build a PSC database in MongoDB from the ascii data streams. Parameters ---------- f : a file-like object conforming to the 2MASS PSC file spec host : URL of the MongoDB host port : port number of MongoDB host dbname : name of the MongoDB database cname : name of the collection holding PSC documents drop : set to `True` if any existing PSC collection should be dropped useful for re-doing an import. """ c = pymongo.Connection(host=host, port=port) cred = auth.Credentials() db = cred.connect_db("twomass", c=c) if drop: db.drop_collection(cname) collection = db[cname] colourIndices = (('j_m','h_m'),('j_m','k_m'),('h_m','k_m')) #f = open(dataPath, 'r') for line in f: line.strip() # strip newline items = line.split("|") doc = {} for (name, dtype), item in zip(PSC_FORMAT, items): if item == "\N": continue # ignore null values # Don't add spatial quantities directly; storing (RA,Dec) and # (long, lat) as tuples lets us make geospatial indices if name == "ra": ra = dtype(item) elif name == "dec": dec = dtype(item) elif name == "glon": glon = dtype(item) elif name == "glat": glat = dtype(item) else: doc[name] = dtype(item) # Insert geospatial fields doc['coord'] = (ra, dec) doc['galactic'] = (glon,glat) # Pre-compute colours for (c1, c2) in colourIndices: colourName = "%s-%s" % (c1, c2) if (c1 in doc) and (c2 in doc): doc[colourName] = doc[c1] - doc[c2] collection.insert(doc) #f.close()
[docs] def index_space_color(cls, host="localhost", port=27017, dbname="twomass", cname="psc"): """Generates an geospatial+colour+magnitude index. The index is constructed so that RA,Dec is indexed first as this is most useful in using 2MASS for targeted applications. """ c = pymongo.Connection(host=host, port=port) cred = auth.Credentials() db = cred.connect_db("twomass", c=c) collection = db[cname] collection.ensure_index([("coord",GEO2D),("j_m-k_m",ASCENDING), ("k_m",ASCENDING),("j_m",ASCENDING),("h_m",ASCENDING), ("h_m",ASCENDING),("h_m-k_m",ASCENDING),("j_m-h_m",ASCENDING)], min=-90., max=360., name="radec_color", background=True)
[docs] def find(self, spec, fields=[], center=None, radius=None, box=None, polygon=None, header=None, wcs=None): """General purpose query method for 2MASS PSC. .. todo:: Use exceptions to make spatial query resolution chain more robust. Parameters ---------- spec : dict A `pymongo` query specification. Note that spatial query parameters will override those passed in spec. fields : list List of PSC fields to return (in addition to `self.default_fields`.) center: (2,) tuple or list For spherical spatial queries, defines the query center as an (RA, Dec.) tuple in degrees. radius: float (degrees) Radius of the spherical query, in degrees. Use with `center`. polygon: list of [RA,Dec] vertices in degrees. The polygon is automatically closed. box: list or tuple `[[RA_min,Dec_min],[RA_max,Dec_max]]` Queries for stars inside a rectangular range of RA and Dec. Assumes decimal degrees for RA and Dec. header: `pyfits.header` instance Queries stars within the footprint defined by the `pyfits` image header. wcs: pywcs.WCS instance Queries stars within the footprint defined by the WCS. Returns ------- recs : `pymongo.Cursor` instance The cursor can be iterated to access each star. Stars are represented as dictionaries whose keys are the requested data `fields`. Notes ----- Only one type of spatial query is performed, even if several are defined by the keyword arguments passed by the user. The spatial query is resolved in the following order: 1. wcs 2. header 3. polygon 4. box 5. center and radius Examples -------- To query for all stars with :math:`J-K_s > 0.5` mag within 2 degrees of M31, and returning only the RA,Dec position, :math:`J` magnitude and :math:`K_s` magnitude: >>> psc = PSC() >>> recs = psc.find({"j_m-k_m": {"$gt": 0.5}}, fields=["coord","j_m","k_m"], center=(13.,41.), radius=2.) """ if wcs is not None: spatialSpec = self._make_spatial_wcs(wcs) elif header is not None: spatialSpec = self._make_spatial_header(header) elif polygon is not None: spatialSpec = {"coord": {"$within": {"$polygon": polygon}}} elif box is not None: spatialSpec = {"coord": {"$within": {"$box": box}}} elif center is not None and radius is not None: spatialSpec = {"coord": {"$within": {"$center": [center,radius]}}} else: spatialSpec = {} spec.update(spatialSpec) print "2MASS query:", spec getFields = self.default_fields + fields return self.c.find(spec, getFields)
def _make_spatial_wcs(self, wcs): """Make a spatial query spec from a PyWCS WCS instance.""" poly = wcs.calcFootprint() # (4,2) numpy array allRA = [float(c[0]) for c in poly] allDec = [float(c[1]) for c in poly] verts = zip(allRA, allDec) return {"coord": {"$within": {"$polygon": verts}}} def _make_spatial_header(self, header): """Make a spatial query spec from a PyFITS header instance.""" wcs = WCS(header) return self._make_spatial_wcs(wcs)
[docs]def test_import_psc(testPath, host="localhost", port=27017, dbname="twomass", cname="psc", drop=True): """Import the test_psc practice file.""" f = open(testPath, 'r') PSC.import_psc(f, drop=drop) f.close()
[docs]def import_compressed_psc(dataDir, host="localhost", port=27017, dbname="twomass", cname="psc",): """Import decompressed PSC text catalogs from dataDir. The psc collection is dropped before this operation. """ filePaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(dataDir, "psc_*.gz")) drop = True for filePath in filePaths: print "Loading %s" % filePath f =, 'rb') # decompress on the file # Decompress the file PSC.import_psc(f, drop=drop) f.close() drop = False # only drop on first file import! PSC.index_space_color()
[docs]def reset_psc(dbname="twomass", cname="psc"): """Drops the 2MASS PSC collection!""" db = pymongo.Connection()[dbname] db.drop_collection(cname)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass

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