
Source code for moastro.settings

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Handle settings for Mo'Astro databases.

Settings are stored on disk as a JSON file located at ``$HOME/.moastro.json``.
Alternative locations can be set with the ``$MOASTROCONFIG`` environment

A basic ``.moastro.json`` file looks like this::

        {marvin: {url: 'localhost', port: 27017}}

Server definitions are stored as a hash under the ``servers`` key. Here we
define one server named ``marvin`` that is connected to as ``localhost:27017``.

In the future we will add ``remote_url`` and ``remote_port`` to the settings
schema to facilitate SSH port forwarding.


- :func:`read_settings`
- :func:`locate_server`

import os
import json
import logging

[docs]def read_settings(path=os.getenv('MOASTROCONFIG', os.path.expandvars('$HOME/.moastro.json'))): """Read the Mo'Astro JSON configurations file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the ``.moastro.json`` file. Returns ------- settings : dict The settings, as a ``dict``. If the settings file is not found, an empty dictionary is returned. """ try: with open(path, 'r') as f: return json.loads( except IOError: log = logging.getLogger('moastro') log.warning("{path} config file not found".format(path=path)) return {}
[docs]def locate_server(servername): """Return the URL and port of a named server. Parameters ---------- servername : str Name of the server, matching that in the ``.moastro.json`` file. Returns ------- url : str URL/hostname of the MongoDB server. port : int Port that the MongoDB server connects on. """ conf = read_settings() try: url = conf['servers'][servername]['url'] port = conf['servers'][servername]['port'] except KeyError: log = logging.getLogger('moastro') log.warning("Bad config for server named '{n}'".format(n=servername)) url = 'localhost' # try defaults port = 27017 return url, port

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