
Source code for moastro.imagelog

import os
import shutil
import pymongo
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
import warnings
import fnmatch

import astropy.wcs

from dbtools import DotReachable

[docs]class ImageLog(object): """Base class for all mongodb-based image logs. The intent is for this base class to access the entire collection of image records for a given project. Subclasses can be used that cater to specific parts of the data set (such as one instrument or another; one observing mode or another). This specificity is created with the `queryMask`, which is a query that will always be appending to the user's query to ensure that only the requested types of data are returned. For example, this can be a query to only accept 'MegaPrime' under the `INSTRUME` key. """ def __init__(self, dbname, cname, url="localhost", port=27017): super(ImageLog, self).__init__() connection = pymongo.Connection(url, port) self.db = connection[dbname] self.db.add_son_manipulator(DotReachable()) self.c = self.db[cname] self.dbname = dbname self.cname = cname self.url = url self.port = port self.queryMask = {} self.exts = ["0"] def __getitem__(self, key): """:return: a document (`dict` type) for the image named `key`""" selector = {"_id": key} selector.update(self.queryMask) return self.c.find_one(selector) def _insert_query_mask(self, selector): """Enforces the query mask on the selector. The user can still override the query mask. """ selector = dict(selector) for k, v in self.queryMask.iteritems(): if k in selector: continue selector[k] = v return selector
[docs] def set(self, imageKey, key, value, ext=None): """Updates an image record by setting the `key` field to the given `value`. """ if ext == None: self.c.update({"_id": imageKey}, {"$set": {key: value}}) else: self.c.update({"_id": imageKey}, {"$set": {".".join((str(ext), key)): value}})
[docs] def set_frames(self, key, data): """Does an update of data into the `key` field for data of an arbitrary collection of detectors. :param data: a dictionary of `frame: datum`, where `frame` is a tuple of (imageKey, ext) """ for (imageKey, ext), datum in data: self.set(imageKey, key, datum, ext=ext)
[docs] def find(self, selector, images=None, one=False, **mdbArgs): """Wrapper around MongoDB `find()`.""" selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) if images is not None: selector.update({"_id": {"$in": images}}) if one: return self.c.find_one(selector, **mdbArgs) else: return self.c.find(selector, **mdbArgs)
[docs] def find_dict(self, selector, images=None, fields=None): """Analogous to find(), but formats the returned cursor into a dictionary.""" c = self.find(selector, images=images, fields=fields, one=False) records = {} for doc in c: doc = dict(doc) imageKey = doc['_id'] records[imageKey] = doc return records
[docs] def find_images(self, selector, images=None): """Get images keys that match the specified selector using MongoDB queries. """ selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) if images is not None: selector.update({"_id": {"$in": images}}) records = self.c.find(selector, {"_id": 1}) imageKeys = [rec['_id'] for rec in records] imageKeys.sort() return imageKeys
[docs] def distinct(self, field, selector, images=None): """Return the set of distinct values a field takes over the selection. """ cursor = self.find(selector, images=images, fields=[field]) return cursor.distinct(field)
[docs] def compress_fits(self, pathKey, selector={}, candidateImages=None, alg="Rice", q=4, delete=False): """:param alg: Compression algorithm. Any of: * Rice * gzip :param q: quantization for floating-point images. :param delete: set to true if the un-compressed original should be deleted """ algs = {"Rice": "-r", "gzip": "-g"} records = self.getiter(selector, pathKey, candidateImages=candidateImages) optList = [] if alg == "Rice": optList.append("%s -q %i" % (algs[alg], q)) elif alg == "gzip": optList.append(algs[alg]) if delete == True: optList.append("-D") options = " ".join(optList) for rec in records: origPath = rec[pathKey] # Compress with fpack"fpack %s %s" % (options, origPath), shell=True) # Update filename with .fz extension outputPath = origPath + ".fz" self.set(rec['_id'], pathKey, outputPath)
[docs] def decompress_fits(self, pathKey, decompKey=None, decompDir=None, selector={}, delete=False, overwrite=False, nthreads=multiprocessing.cpu_count()): """Decompresses FITS files at `pathKey`. :param pathKey: field where FITS paths are found :param decompKey: (optional) can be set to a field where the decompressed file can be found. Otherwise, the decompressed file path is written to `pathKey`. :param selector: (optional) search criteria dictionary :param delete: set to True to delete the compressed file. :param overwrite: if False, then funpack will skip any files that have already been decompressed. That is, the output file must be present and recorded in the image log under decompPathKey. :param nthreads: set to the number of threads. Multiprocessing is used if ``nthreads`` > 1. """ if decompDir is not None: if os.path.exists(decompDir) is False: os.makedirs(decompDir) if decompKey is None: decompKey = pathKey records = self.getiter(selector, pathKey) args = [] for rec in records: origPath = rec[pathKey] if decompDir is not None: outputPath = os.path.join(decompDir, os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(origPath)[0])) else: outputPath = os.path.splitext(origPath)[0] # verify that this file exists, and possibly skip it exists = False if os.path.exists(outputPath): exists = True if overwrite: os.remove(outputPath) if exists: if decompKey in rec: if rec[decompKey] == outputPath: continue # this file is already decomp and recorded options = ["-O %s" % outputPath] if delete is True: options.append("-D") command = "funpack %s %s" % (" ".join(options), origPath) print command args.append((rec['_id'], command, outputPath)) if nthreads > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nthreads) results =, args) else: results = map(_funpack_worker, args) for result in results: imageKey, outputPath = result self.set(imageKey, decompKey, outputPath)
[docs] def rename_field(self, dataKeyOld, dataKeyNew, selector=None, multi=True): """Renames a field for all image log records found with the optional selector. :param dataKeyOld: original field name :param dataKeyNew: new field name :param selector: (optional) search selector dictionary """ if selector is None: selector = {} selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) selector.update({dataKeyOld: {"$exists": 1}}) ret = self.c.update(selector, {"$rename": {dataKeyOld: dataKeyNew}}, multi=multi, safe=True) print ret
[docs] def delete_field(self, dataKey, selector=None, multi=True): """Deletes a field from selected image records. :param dataKey: field to be deleted. :param selector: (optional) search selector dictionary """ if selector is None: selector = {} selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) print "using multi delete", multi self.c.update(selector, {"$unset": {dataKey: 1}}, multi=multi)
[docs] def move_files(self, pathKey, newDir, selector=None, copy=False): """Moves a file whose path is found under `pathKey` to the `newDir` directory. The directory is created if necessary. Old files are overwritten if necessary. :param dataKey: field of path for files to be moved :param newDir: directory where files should be moved to. :param selector: (optional) search selector dictionary """ if os.path.exists(newDir) is False: os.makedirs(newDir) if selector is None: selector = {} selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) for rec in self.getiter(selector, pathKey): imageKey = rec['_id'] origPath = rec[pathKey] newPath = os.path.join(newDir, os.path.basename(origPath)) if newPath == origPath: continue print origPath, "->", newPath # if os.path.exists(newPath): # os.remove(newPath) if copy: shutil.copy(origPath, newPath) else: shutil.move(origPath, newPath) self.c.update({"_id": imageKey}, {"$set": {pathKey: newPath}})
[docs] def delete_files(self, pathKey, selector=None): """Deletes all files stored under pathKey, and the reference in the image log. :param pathKey: data key for path. Can include dot syntax. :param selector: (optional) MongoDB query dictionay. """ if selector is None: selector = {} selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) selector.update({pathKey: {"$exists": 1}}) for doc in self.c.find(selector, fields=[pathKey]): imageKey = doc['_id'] try: path = str(doc[pathKey]) except: continue if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) self.c.update({"_id": imageKey}, {"$unset": pathKey})
[docs] def print_rec(self, imageKey): """Pretty-prints the record of `imageKey`""" selector = {"_id": imageKey} selector.update(self.queryMask) record = self.c.find_one(selector) keys = record.keys() keys.sort() print "== %s ==" % imageKey for key in keys: if str(key) in self.exts: continue print "%s:" % key, print record[key]
[docs] def search(self, selector, candidateImages=None): """Get images keys that match the specified selector using MongoDB queries. :param selector: dictionary for data keys: data values that specifies what image keys should be returned. Any mongodb search dictionary will work. :param candidateImages: (optional) a list of images to draw from; only images within the candidateImages set will be considered :return: the list of image keys for images that match the selector dictionary. .. deprecated:: Use :meth:`find_images` instead. """ warnings.warn( 'search() is deprecated, use find_images() instead', stacklevel=2) selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) if candidateImages is not None: candidateImages = [candidateImages] selector.update({"_id": {"$in": candidateImages}}) records = self.c.find(selector, {"_id": 1}) imageKeys = [rec['_id'] for rec in records] imageKeys.sort() return imageKeys
[docs] def getiter(self, selector, dataKeys, candidateImages=None): """Returns a cursor to iterate through image records that meet the given selector. Each record is a dictionary, with the image key stored under `_id`. :param selector: dictionary for data keys: data values that specifies what image keys should be returned. Any mongodb search dictionary will work. :param dataKeys: data key(s) for each image that should be returned for the selected images. Can be string or a sequence of strings. :param candidateImages: (optional) a **list** of images to draw from; only images within the candidateImages set will be considered .. deprecated:: Use :meth:`find` instead. """ warnings.warn( 'getiter() is deprecated, use find() instead', stacklevel=2) selector = self._insert_query_mask(selector) print "getiter using selector", selector if candidateImages is not None: selector.update({"_id": {"$in": candidateImages}}) if type(dataKeys) == str: dataKeys = [dataKeys] return self.c.find(selector, fields=dataKeys)
[docs] def get(self, selector, dataKeys, candidateImages=None): """Get a dictionary of `image key: {data key: data value, ...}` for images that match the search `selector`. The returned dictionary contains data only with the requested dataKeys (i.e., a subset of the data base and records for each image are returned.) :param selector: dictionary for data keys: data values that specifies what image keys should be returned. Any mongodb search dictionary will work. :param dataKeys: data for each image that should be returned for the selected images. :param candidateImages: (optional) a **list** of images to draw from; only images within the candidateImages set will be considered .. deprecated:: Use :meth:`find_dict` instead. """ warnings.warn( 'get() is deprecated, use find_dict() instead', stacklevel=2) records = {} for record in self.getiter(selector, dataKeys, candidateImages=candidateImages): record = dict(record) imageKey = record['_id'] records[imageKey] = record return records
[docs] def get_images(self, imageKeys, dataKeys): """Same as `get()`, but operates on a sequence of image keys, rather than a search selector. .. deprecated:: Use :meth:`find_dict` instead. """ warnings.warn( 'get_images() is deprecated, use find_dict() instead', stacklevel=2) return self.get({}, dataKeys, candidateImages=imageKeys)
[docs] def find_unique(self, dataKey, selector={}, candidateImages=None): """Get the set of unique values of data key for images that meet the specified selector. .. note:: This doesn't actually use the `distinct` aggregation commmand in PyMongo, since it doesn't yet support queries itself. :param dataKey: data field whose values will compiled into a set of unique values. :param selector: (optional) dictionary for data keys: data values that specifies what image keys should be returned. Any mongodb search dictionary will work. :param candidateImages: (optional) a list of images to draw from; only images within the candidateImages set will be considered .. deprecated:: Use :meth:`distinct` instead. """ warnings.warn( 'find_unique() is deprecated, use distinct() instead', stacklevel=2) records = self.getiter(selector, dataKey, candidateImages=candidateImages) itemList = [rec[dataKey] for rec in records] filteredItemList = [] for item in itemList: if type(item) is unicode: filteredItemList.append(str(item)) else: filteredItemList.append(item) print "all items:", filteredItemList valueSet = list(set(itemList)) valueSet.sort() print "value set:", valueSet return valueSet
def _funpack_worker(args): """Worker function for funpacking.""" imageKey, command, outputPath = args, shell=True) return imageKey, outputPath
[docs]class MEFImporter(object): """Base class for importing MEF (multi-extension FITS) into an imagelog. The user subclass that inherits :class:`MEFImporter` should do several things: 1. Set the ``exts`` attribute to be a list of FITS extension integers to import. If the sole FITS image is in the PrimaryHDU, then leave this as an empty list. Otherwise, e.g., for WIRCam with images in four extension HDUs, set ``self.exts = [1, 2, 3, 4]``. 2. Set or extend the ``copy_keys`` attribute to be a list of FITS header keys to import from the Primary HDU into the base image document. 3. Set or extend the ``copy_ext_keys`` attribute to be a list of FITS header keys to import from each image extension. 4. Implement ``generate_id`` to generate a document ``_id`` string. 5. (optional) Implement ``post_base_ingest`` to modify the base image log document (a dict) after the header keys have been imported. This can be useful to add additional metadata, or to change the metadata schema from that in the FITS header. 6. (optional) Implement ``post_ext_ingest`` to modify the document for each image extension after the extension header keys are imported. Parameters ---------- dbname : str Name of MongoDB database. cname : str Name of MongoDB collection. url : str URL of MongoDB server. port : int Port of MongoDB server. """ def __init__(self, dbname, cname, url="localhost", port=27017): super(MEFImporter, self).__init__() self.connection = pymongo.MongoClient(url, port) self.db = self.connection[dbname] self.db.add_son_manipulator(DotReachable()) self.c = self.db[cname] # Defaults self.exts = [] self.copy_keys = ['OBJECT', 'FILTER', 'MJDATE', 'EXPTIME', 'INSTRUME', 'RA', 'DEC', 'AIRMASS', 'UTC-OBS'] self.copy_ext_keys = []
[docs] def ingest(self, base_dir, suffix=".fits", recursive=True, preview=False): """Runs the import pipeline. Parameters ---------- base_dir : str Directory where FITS files can be found. suffix : str Suffix of files to import. That is, all paths ending with this suffix are imported. This import fits files by default. But change to e.g., `'s.fits'` to get processed CFHT images, or `'.fits.fz'` to look for encrypted FITS images. recursive : bool If `True`, then the pipeline walks through directories contained in the base directory, looking for FITS files. preview : bool If `True` then the documents are *not* inserted into MongoDB, but only printed. Useful for debugging the ingest. """ for path in MEFImporter.all_files(base_dir, "*" + suffix, single_level=recursive): self._import_fits(path)
[docs] def ingest_one(self, path, preview=False): """Ingest a single FITS file at ``path``. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the FITS image. preview : bool If `True` then the documents are *not* inserted into MongoDB, but only printed. Useful for debugging the ingest. """ self._import_fits(path, preview)
[docs] def all_files(root, pattern, single_level=False): """Yield file paths matching a pattern. Adapted from Python Cookbook, 2nd Ed. 2.16. """ for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): files.sort() for name in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): yield os.path.join(path, name) break if single_level: break
def _import_fits(self, path, preview): """Import a FITS file at ``path``.""" doc = {} f = doc['_id'] = self.generate_id(path, f[0].header) doc.update(self._ingest_fits_base(path, f[0].header, f)) for ext in self.exts: doc[str(ext)] = self._ingest_fits_ext(f[ext].header, f) # Put an overall footprint into doc root if len(self.exts) == 1: doc['footprint'] = MEFImporter.chip_footprint_polygon( f[self.exts[0]].header, f) elif len(self.exts) > 1: doc['footprint'] = self._combine_footprint(doc) f.close() if preview: print doc else: # Insert into MongoDB
[docs] def generate_id(self, path, header): """Generate the object id for this image. Should be implemented by user. Raises ``NotImplementedError`` otherwise. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _ingest_fits_base(self, path, header, hdulist): """Build document from base FITS header.""" doc = {} # Create a footprint if this is an image extension if len(self.exts) == 0: doc['footprint'] = MEFImporter.chip_footprint_polygon(header, hdulist) for key in self.copy_keys: try: doc[key] = header[key] except: continue # Call user method self.post_base_ingest(doc, path, header) return doc
[docs] def post_base_ingest(self, doc, path, header): """Hook for modifying document after ingesting the base FITS header. This method can be implemented by the user to add additional data to the base image log document. Simply add data to to the ``dict`` ``doc``. """ pass
def _ingest_fits_ext(self, header, hdulist): """Build document for an individual extension/chip.""" doc = {} doc['footprint'] = MEFImporter.chip_footprint_polygon(header, hdulist) for key in self.copy_ext_keys: try: doc[key] = header[key] except: continue # Call user method self.post_ext_ingest(doc, header) return doc
[docs] def post_ext_ingest(self, doc, header): """Hook for modifying document after ingesting an extension header. This method can be implemented by the user to add additional data to the *extension-specific* image log document. Simply add data to to the ``dict`` ``doc``. """ pass
def _combine_footprint(self, doc): """Build a footprint to encompass all detectors.""" ras = [] decs = [] for ext in self.exts: poly = doc['ext']['footprint'] for (ra, dec) in poly: ras.append(ra) decs.append(dec) output_poly = [[min(ras), min(decs)], [max(ras), min(decs)], [max(ras), max(decs)], [min(ras), max(decs)]] return output_poly @staticmethod
[docs] def chip_footprint_polygon(header, hdulist): """Create a Mongo-compatible polygon representing the chip footprint in equatorial cordinates. The polygon is a length-4 list, populated with length-2 lists of RA, Dec vertices. """ wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(header=header, fobj=hdulist) footprint = wcs.calcFootprint(header=header) footprint_lst = footprint.tolist() # cast as a list of floats return footprint_lst

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